According to the Law on Associations of Citizens (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 51/09), and based on the proposition by the Steering Committee of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia at the assembly held on March 16, 2011, changes were implemented to the existing Statute dated March 17, 2010 and the decision was brought to bring the new








Article 1


This Statute, according to the Law on the associations of Citizens (in the further text: the Law) regulates the organization, activities and work of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia (in the further text: the Academy), authorities and the manner of decision making of executive bodies of the Academy, the status of the Academy members, as well as other questions of importance for the work and the field of interest of the Academy.




Article 2


The Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia is the highest engineering institution in the country of Serbia which implements, organizes, develops and stimulates scientific research in the field of engineering.

The goal of the Academy is to influence scientific research, development and innovative work, as well as other forms of scientific and technical creative work and knowledge dissemination in all engineering disciplines and to direct them.


Article 3

The activities of the Academy are directed towards the development and integration of scientific and engineering-oriented creative thought, to creative work and knwledge dissemination in the field of engineering.




Article 4

The main activity of the Academy is

72 (research and development)

The basic activity in its narrow sense encompasses research, development and innovative work in all engineering fields, i.e.

·  taking part in implementation and reviewing of research, development and innovative projects as the basis of the technological development of Serbia;

·   giving incentives and proposals for rendering of the program of science and technological development of Serbia;

·   analysis of scientific discoveries and recommendations regarding their implementation in Serbia;

·   stimulation and nurturing of scientific and technical criticism;

·  starting incentives, giving proposals and offering opinions to the creators of the social and industrial development of Serbia with a goal to ensure sucessful implementation of both long-term and current goals of improving wealth of Serbia, as well as for the improvement of the conditions for scientific and creative work of engineers;

·   rendering of projects, studies, revisions and other project documentation;

·   offering advices and expert reviews;

·   publishing monographs, journals, textbooks, proceedings and other publications;

·   organization of science forums, scientific and technical meetings in the field of engineering sciences

·   dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge;

·   assisting young engineers in their qualification and development;

·   support and organization of permanent education of engineers;

·   following the development of engineering as a whole and instigation of its implementation in science, practical life and education in Serbia;

·   scientific cooperation with research and technical organizations, institutions and persons in the country and abroad.


Article 5

With a goal of more efficient implementation of research, development and innovations, as well as of creative work in engineering, design, rendering of studies, consulting, expert reviews, etc., the Academy may establish its Institute.


Article 6

The Academy determines the manners and forms of its activity through its yearly and multiyear program.



Article 7

The Academy name is: Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia. Abbreviation is AESS.

Academy site is Belgrade, Zeleni venac 2/III.


Academy logo is:





Article 8

The Academy comprises of full, corresponding and honorary members, honorary members-distinguished engineers and foreign members.

In order to fullfill its goals the Academy cooperates with partner organizations.


Article 9


A person may be elected a full member of the Academy if he/she is a distinguished scientist – original contributor in engineering disciplines, citizen of the Republic of Serbia, whose results in the fields of science and engineering creativity represent substantial achievements based on which he/she gained a significant prestige in the country and abroad.

A person may be elected a corresponding member of the Academy if he/she is a distinguished scientist – original contributor in engineering disciplines, a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, who excels in significant scientific and engineering achievements.

A person may be elected a honorary member of AESS if he/she is a distinguished scientist – original creator in engineering disciplines or disciplines close to engineering, a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, and a member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

A person may be elected a honorary member – distinguished engineer if he/she is a an engineer – original creator or scientist who during his/her longtime work excelled became distinguished by his/her specialist, scientific or organization results and thus contributed to the development of our country.

A person may be elected a foreign member of AESS if he/she is a distinguished scientist – original creator in engineering disciplines, is not a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, has a developed cooperation with the researchers from Serbia and whose results also significantly contributed to the development and application of science in our country.

Partnering organizations are legal entities (universities, faculties, institutes, public companies, state bodies, chambers, industrial organizations) where there is a mutual interest for cooperation.

Detailed criteria are defined by the Bylaw on the election of the members of the Academy.


Article 10

Rights and duties of each member of the Academy are:

§          to engage in research and quality engineering creative work within the Academy and wider;

§          to conceptualize, help and support the work of the Academy;

§          to strive to fullfill the goals and the program of the Academy;

§          to regularly take part in the work of the committees of the Academy;

§          to report and convey findings and the results of his/her work;

§          to guard the professional ethics in public life.


The rights of the partner organizations are:

§         Permanent cooperation and availability to the members of the Academy for advices and recommendations per request  (development plans, business moves, networking with companies in the country and abroad);

§         Informing about all important activities of the Academy;

§          taking part in the work of committees and other ad hoc bodies of the Academy;

§          Invitation to all meetings of interest organized by the Academy, including the Assembly;

§          Receiving a certain number of copies of printed publications of the Academy;

§          Advertising in publications of the Academy and in its website;

§          Giving opinion about the strategic orientations of the Academy

An obligation of partner organizations is the payment of their yearly fee.



Article 11

New members of the Academy are elected, as a rule, triennially. The electrions to the membership of the Academy are held by the Academy Assembly, in accordance with the Bylaws on the election of the members brought by it.

Only full and corresponding members take part in nomination and elections and have a right to be elected for the bodies of the Academy.

Admission for the partner organizations is always open. The verification of the entry of a partner organization is done by the Steering Committee, who informs the Assembly about that.


Article 12

The right to nominate candidates for Academy members are held by

·   Academy departments;

·   Institutes, faculties, business organizations and professional associations;

·   At least three members of the Academy.


A written agreement of the proposed candidate must be enclosed with the nomination.



Article 13

The decision about the election of the members is valid if at least 2/3 of the currently active members are present at the Assembly meeting and if more than a half of the present members votes for the decision.


Those member are not active who do not take part in the activities of the Academy longer than 6 months because of illness, stay abroad or according to a permit of the department. This category also includes the members who unjustifiably do not take part in the activities of the Academy longer than 12 months. A list of currently inactive members is being kept in records of the Department.



Article 14

Newly elected members receive their diploma for the Academy membership. The form of the diploma is defined by the Steering Committee of the Academy.


Article 15

The membership in the Academy ends per personsl request of the member, submitted in written form to the Steering Committee, or on a proposition of the department, if the member.was inactive in the sense of the Article 10 of the Statute for more than a year, and the final decision is brought by the Stering Committee of the Academy.


Article 16

The Academy strives to ensure to its members the conditions for succesful research and technical work and takes measures to also ensure their work in other research, technical and industrial organizations.




Article 17

The bodies of the Academy are the Assembly, the Steering Committee, the chairman of the Academy, departments, interdepartmental commities. The Academy performs its activities through its bodies.




Article 18


The Assembly is the highest body of the Academy and includes full, corresponding and honorary members and distinguished engineers.


Article 19

The Assembly of the Academy

·   brings the Statute of the Academy and implements its changes and ammendments;

·   brings decisions about the election of the Academy members;

·   brings decisions about the establishing of departments;

·   elects the chairmen, vice-chair and auditing board of the Academy;

·   reviews the results of the work of the Academy;

·   brings the plan of work;

·   brings the financial plan and adopts the final accounts; 

·   decides about the international cooperation and enrollment in the corresponding foreign academies and similar societies;

·   performs other duties defined by the Statute.


Article 20

Assembly is being held at least once a year. The decisions of the Assembly are valid if more than a hald of the total active membership is present, except for the election of the new members of the Academy, in which case it is mandatory that at least 2/3 of the active members take part in the elections.


Article 21

The decisions of the Assembly are valid if voted for by more than a half of the present members of the Academy.


Article 22


The mode of work of the Assembly is determined by the Rules on Procedure, brought by the Assembly.




Article 23

The Steering Committee of the Academy is the executive body of the Assembly.

The Steering Committee members are the chair, the vice-chair, secretary general and secretaries of the departments.


Article 24

The mandate of the Steering Committee is four years.


Article 25

The decisions of the Steering Committee are valid if more than a half of its members is present at its meeting.


The Steering Committee brings decisions by the majority of votes of the total number of members.


The mode of work of the Steering Committee is determined by the Rules On Procedure, adopted by the Steering Committee.


Article 26

The Steering Committee of the Academy

·   manages the work of the Academy between two assemblies;

·   brings decisions about the gathering of the Assembly and establishes the agenda;

·   establishes the program of work;

·   takes care about the implementation of the decisions of the Assembly and the goals of the Academy;

·   brings decisions about the organization of technical and science forums, seminars and other working meetings;

·   establishes the program of international cooperation;

·   establishes the proposal of the financiall plan;

·   gives an account of the results of work to the Assembly;

·   elects the Secretary General of the Academy;

·   performs other works of interest for the realization of the goals and the working program of the Academy, as determined by this Statute.



Article 27

The Chair of the Academy Akademije is elected among the full members of the Academy for a period of four years. The Chair may be elected for a maximum of two consecutive mandates.


Article 28

The procedure of the election of the Chair and the vice-chair is regulated by the Rules on Procedure adopted by the Assembly.


Article 29

The Chair of the Academy:

·   represents and works in behalf of the Academy;

·   is charged by the implementation of the decision of the Steering Committe and the Assembly;

·   is authorized to give financial order, and may convey this authorization to the vice-chair or to the secretary general;

·   in extremely urgent cases assumes duties under the competence of the Steering Committe, and is obliged to inform the Steering Committe about it at the first following meeting;

·   performs other duties determined by the Law and this Statute.


Article 30

As a token of esteem and gratitude for exceptional contribution to the organization and work of the Academy, the Assembly may, based on a proposal by the Steering Committee, to proclaim the chair whose mandate has expired for a honorary chair. The mandate of a honorary chair is not limited.


Article 31

The Academy has a vice-chair.

The vice-chair is elected in the same manner as the chair.

The vice-chair performs those duties for which he/she received an authorization from the chair, including representing and acting for the Academy.

The vice-chair acts in behalf of the chair if the chair is unable to perform the designated duties.

If the chair is permanently unable to perform the designated duties, the Steering Committee appoints an acting chair, which is as a rule the vice-chair, until a new chair is elected. The acting chair represents and act for the Academy.



Article 32

The Steering Committee apoints a Secretary General of the Academy for a period of four years.

The Secretary General prepares the proposals for the decisions of the Steering Committee, leads the current works of the Academy, assists the chair and the vice-chair in their work and performs other duties for the Academy as determined by this Statute.



Article 33

A department consists of full, corresponding and honorary members-distinguished engineers. A department is established for one or more science disciplines. The departments are

·   The Department of Biotechnical Engineering Sciences;

·   The Department of Civil Engineering Sciences;

·   The Department of Electrical Engineering Sciences;

·   The Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences;

·   The Department of Mining and Geological Engineering Sciences;

·   The Department of Technology, Metallurgy and Material Engineering Sciences

A member of the Academy may, besides belonging to a particular Department based on his/her speciality, also take part in the work of other departments, without having a right for voting for decisions.


Article 34

The departments perform the following at their meetings:

·   consider questions from the fields of science and technique for which they are established;

·   render the proposal of the working program;

·   assume activities for the implementation of the programs;

·   propose financial amounts necessary for the work of the department;

·   consider and render reports about the work of he Academy;

·   consider proposals and establish plans for particular projects and other documents and legal acts to be submitted to the Assembly for adoption;

·   consider the activities of their committees if there are any and coordinate their work;

·   give opinions and proposals to the partner organizations, science and other institutions, either based on the initiative of the department or per request of these organizations, about questions of importance or organization or improvement of science, the trade and the overal industrial and social development;

·   give opinion about all legal documents to be adopted by the Assembly or the Steering Committee;

·   elect and acquit the secretary and the deputy secretary of the department.

The mode of work is determined by the rules on procedure brought by the department.


Article 35

As a rule, the secretary of he department is elected among the full members of the Academy.

The secretary of the department takes care about the work of the department, chairs the meetings of the department, takes care about the implementation of the decisions of the department and submits reports to the Steering Committee and the Assembly about the questions from the field of work of the department.

The secretary of the department has a deputy who replaces him/her if the secretary is prevented to perform his/her duties.


Article 36

The secretary and the deputy secretary of the department are elected for a period of four years.



Article 37

Committees and other working bodies may be formed as permanent or temporary bodies. Committees are formed to implement particular program tasks within particular fields of work of the Academy.

Committees may be departmental and inter-departmental.

Inter-departmental committees are formed for activities mutual for several departments. The decision about the establishment of a committee is brought by the Steering Committee.

The chair and the members of the departmental committees are elected by the department, and the chair and the members of the interdepartmental committees are elected by the Steering Committee, based on a proposal by a department.

Members of the committees and other working bodies are elected among the Academy members and among the prominent scientists and experts in engineering disciplines, and especially among the workers from the partner organizations.



Article 38

The auditing board performs control of transactions with finances and tangible assets and reports about that to the Assembly of the Academy

The auditing board institutes legal proceedings for damages according to Article 25 of the Law on Associations.

The auditing board has a chairman and two members, elected by the Assembly among he Academy membership.

Members of the auditing board are elected for a period of four years and may be re-elected.




Article 39

The work of the Academy is open to public.


The membership and the public are informed about the work of the Academy directly, through appropriate publications, through public media, through the Internet site of the Academy and in other convenient means.


The Chair and the Secretary General are entrusted with informing the public.



Article 40

The Academy has its financial plan.

The funds for the work of the Academy are obtained from

·   state funds and other organizations from the realization of activities as defined in Article 4 of this Statute;

·   contributions of its partner organizations in the form of membership fees;

·   donations, presents, voluntary contributions by organizations and individuals.

The financial plan of the Academy distributes the funds to:

·   funds for implementation of the science program of the Academy;

·   funds for administrative department;

·   funds for financing general expenditures and the equipment of the Academy;

·   funds for international cooperation.

Earning and distribution of the financial funds are regulated by separate book of regulations brought by the Steering Committee of the Academy.


Article 41

Incentives for modifications and amendments of the Statute may be given by

·   The Assembly;

·   A department;

·   The Steering Committee;

·   An individual member of the Academy;


The incentive must be in written form and submitted to the Steering Committee of the Academy, which prepares the proposal for the modification and delivers it to the Assembly.



Article 42

Mandatory interpretations of this Statute and its particular regulations are given by the Assembly of the Academy.




Article 43

The Academy discontinues its work according to a decision of the Assembly, if the conditions for the implementation of the goals of the Academy of Engineering Sciences are no longer met, as well as in other cases defined by the Law.


In the case of discontinuance the assets of the Academy belong to the Ministry for science.



Article 44

The Academy has its stamp. The stamp is circular and has an inscription on its edge in cyrillic letters: Академија инжењерских наука Србије and the number 1998.


In the middle of the stamp there is the emblem of the Academy which is square in shape and contains the letters AIN.



Article 45

This Statute becomes valid on the day of its adoption by the Assembly of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia.

At the same day the Statute of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia brought by the Assembly of the Acdemy on March 27, 2010 ceases to be valid.




Chair of the Assembly held on March 16, 2011.


Prof. dr. Jovan Todorović, full member AESS